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Super Recyclers

I wrote this sort of essay many, many years ago without ever publishing it. I think it was probably around the time my grandfather was dying or had just passed. I think I was desperate to not forget anything about him, to remember his funny habits and all of the great things he had taught me. 

I completely blame my family for my magnetic pull to sustainability and ethical production. I have often referred to them as The Super Recyclers, despite the fact that I am quite sure somewhere else on our planet there are communities that reuse and recycle far more, and better, than us. However in my household, where there wasn’t necessarily a huge need to reuse or recycle because of low resources or finances, it was purely out of what I can only assume was already a habit of my grandfather’s.

I’ll go ahead and start with my grandfather as he is the main culprit, Albert Attalla. He grew up in a small city in Ohio, born into a poor family originally from Zahle, Lebanon. From all of the stories I heard his childhood home brought in a low income, particularly during WWII. I remember him telling me tales about having oversized clothes in which to grow into and making things instead of buying them new. 

As I lived with my grandparents I have fond memories of his later years where although he didn't have the same requirements he might have as a child, he essentially maintained the same lifestyle. He saved food scraps and dug little trenches (which when empty of food and full of rain water I used to play in) to bury the food for composting in the vegetable garden. He saved any paper that had one blank side for taking notes on, a habit that I have inherited, among many others. Whenever he could save a penny by reusing, repurposing, or recycling he would do it. He even collected cans off the streets to sell to the metal scrap yard. I believe the lifestyle he grew up in became habitual and it was the way in which I grew up (albeit a bit more complicated with four adults all with their own unique habits).

My grandmother is quite the opposite to my grandfather I would say, she grew up in a similarly poor family but didn’t hang onto the ‘make do’ attitude. She likes shopping and I think she would much rather replace items around the house than fix them. Despite this I do see her reusing things and repurposing things, however I wonder if that was just to keep my grandfather from complaining. Yet she saves cake icing containers to clean out and store other foods in. One of my favourite repurposed items is the waxy cereal bag. When opened up flat it is the perfect surface for rolling out pastry as it is naturally non-stick. Both of my grandparents did this and I continue in their footsteps.

Recently I discovered that my grandmother, MaryJane, can actually be more minimalistic than my grandfather which surprised me. On my last visit I recall her saying something about having too many freezers(taking up a lot of space and electricity) and therefore too much food (sometimes forgetting they already had something and buying it again). My grandfather was a bit of a coupon fanatic and would buy mountains of one thing if it was a good enough deal. This required multiple freezers and storing dry goods in the garage once the cupboards were full. In some ways he was maximal in his saving of money, stocking up on food, saving many lifetimes worth of paper, and the list goes on. What I have learnt from my grandmother’s nagging about freezers, and I get this same idea from my mother a lot too, is that it is better to have less. 

My Mother Suz, the child of the two above, has certainly inherited a few of these practices too. Her and my grandfather are possibly the most minimal people I have known. They both wear out clothes until they are past thread barren and covered with holes and stains. Living in the desert she has taken to recycling water, saving shower water to give to their thirsty plants outside. Occasionally things become obsolete in their house so my mom will get a charity bag together rather than throw things out or keep things unnecessarily.

My Father perhaps wasn’t the born recycler in the family but he definitely had caught up to those three at some level. A few years ago or so he had made some kind of caldron in which he melted aluminium cans to make new things. I’d been invited to use it to make jewellery but alas that will no longer be possible as he’s not around anymore. Being the more creative type I suppose led him to making drums from old bits of cardboard and toys for grandchildren out of old socks.

This makes me next in line. I never grasped how much my family’s recycling habits had become my own. It was so natural it never registered as uncommon-ish behaviours. Even in school when I was learning how to sew using my grandmother’s ‘deadstock’ fabric and my old clothes I wasn’t aware that I was upcycling or refashioning. I carried this practice over when I studied on the Foundation in Art & Design course at Central Saint Martins. I made most of my projects using some material I already had around. It could be due to a financial constraint but I do believe it’s just a way of doing things for me. 

After Foundation I did an internship at Ada Zanditon. At the time they did a lot of recycling within their studio but for the first time I was introduced to designing with environmentally friendly materials such as organic cotton and silks. This began to steer me towards sustainable, ethical, and waste-less design which I had not considered before. A few years later I did another internship, this time with Lu Flux. She uses a variety of reclaimed and vintage materials to make up her fashion and home collections. If it hadn’t clicked before it was definitely clicking so loud in my head at this point that I couldn’t comprehend how blind I had been. I was born to reuse, reclaim, and remake! Working with Lu really opened my eyes to what was possible in remade fashion and gave me a better understanding of myself. What more could I have asked for in an internship!

With about three years(at the time of writing) of this self-awareness and some upcycling research under my belt I set off to make my university degree collection out of reclaimed materials only. Motivated by reclaiming, I set about studying what I call “cat reclaimers” or more popularly, “cat ladies’. Thus The Cat Reclaimers was born and I’ve not stopped reusing textiles since.

Upon graduating I have been very fortunate to be able to continue repurposing materials in my career alongside my personal projects.

I have since had the great privilege of designing or making patterns for other refashioned brands such as the lovely, but no more, From Somewhere by Orsola de Castro.

And obviously as you can see here, I have my own little brand of clothes and art. I continue to hunt for old rubbish fabrics that are beautiful, well made, but somehow no one wants anymore.










ファウンデーションの後は、Ada Zanditonでインターンシップをしました。当時、彼らはスタジオ内で多くのリサイクルを行っていましたが、私は初めてオーガニックコットンやシルクなど、環境に優しい素材を使ったデザインに触れました。このことがきっかけで、それまで考えもしなかったサステナブルで倫理的、そして無駄を省いたデザインへと舵を切るようになりました。数年後、今度はLu Fluxでインターンシップをしました。彼女は、様々な再生素材やヴィンテージ素材を使って、ファッションやホームコレクションを制作しています。この時、私の頭の中では、今まで理解していなかったことが、はっきりと理解できるようになりました。私は、再利用し、再生し、作り直すために生まれてきたんだ!」と。Luと一緒に仕事をすることで、リメイクファッションの可能性に目が開かれ、自分自身をより良く理解することができました。これ以上のインターンシップはないでしょう。

この3年間の自己認識とアップサイクルの研究により、私は大学の卒業コレクションを再生素材のみで作ることにしました。再生に刺激され、私は「猫再生人」、もっと一般的には「猫女」と呼ばれる人たちを研究し始めた。こうして、The Cat Reclaimersが誕生し、以来、私はテキスタイルの再利用を止めることはありません。


それ以来、Orsola de CastroのFrom Somewhereのような素敵な、しかしもう存在しないリファッションブランドのために、デザインしたりパターンを作ったりするという大きな特権を得ることができたのです。
