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Sketch Reflect 1


Lately I have been more active in the sketchbooks and thought to share the thought behind some of the random-on-the-surface drawings with you.


One This was an initial sketch for an exhibition I did this year. I wanted to express this collective feeling that a lot of women feel at some point in their lives. Feeling that they should be nice, act friendly, be good. But how frustrating that is. I hate feeling small or that I should act a certain way based on gender norms society has decided for me, for us. I want us to be more free, and had this idea of women running around like bad girls. Something to be cautionary towards, to watch out for. Here is my original tiny sketch of what essentially became danger signs for people with the wrong expectations of women.

②  リボンやバナーで大胆に強調された、大好きなものたち。皆さんもたまには、自分の好きなもの、人、食べ物について叫びたくなりませんか?そして一番下には、至福の時を過ごしている小さな私がいます。

Two Highlighted boldy on ribbons, banners of things I love. Every now and again don't you too want to shout about your favourite things, people, or food? Then at the bottom is little me sleeping in bliss.


Three Maybe you noticed already, my sketchbook is made of recycled paper. This is from some packaging if I remember correctly. I said what I said. I drew a cat.

④  飼っている猫の一匹をライブドローイングして、「猫」と書きました。うちの猫たちは、ピンクのストライプでジャズっぽくなりました。もっと頻繁に描かないといけないけど、人や動物などから描くことはとても大切なんだ。

Four I live drew one of my cats and wrote "cat" in Japanese. Our kitty has been jazzed up with some pink stripes. I need to do it more often, but drawing from life is so important.


I don't have a comment section here so if anything has sparked your interest feel free to email us or find us on instagram to discuss. I hope to make these reflections more of a interactive thing in the future.