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New Friends Store

Moving to Tokyo has had its ups and downs just like any other move, but one thing that has really stood out to me is the art world here. I have met so many nice and interesting artists, designers, and found a variety of creative spaces. While I love  drawing or making sculptures, I absolutely enjoy going out to look at other people's art just as much.

While speaking of new creatives, I happened to meet two illustrators in Tokyo and we are coming together this weekend at what we have called the New Friends Store. Just a short pop up December 23-24th 2023 in Asakusa, Tokyo at Hikeshi Spirit. It's been awhile since I have done a proper pop up or an exhibition so I am very excited. Plus this is the first pop up I have organised myself! It was really lovely to be able to be offered a place on Hikeshi Spirit's second floor and to find two artists willing to join me. Here's to hoping it all goes smoothly tomorrow and if you're about Tokyo, please do come along and say hi!

新しいクリエーターといえば、東京で2人のイラストレーターに出会いました。2023年12月23日から24日まで、東京・浅草のHikeshi Spiritで開催されます。ちゃんとしたポップアップや展示会をするのは久しぶりなので、とても興奮しています。それに、自分で企画した初めてのポップアップです!Hikeshi Spiritの2階に場所を提供していただけたこと、そして2人のアーティストに参加していただけたことは本当に素晴らしいことです。明日、すべてがスムーズにいくことを願っています、東京にお越しの際はぜひ見に来てください!

I want to say a special thank you to Katie Goodrum and Szk Illustration for being on board with my idea and helping me along the way to prepare for our event.

If you are unable to make it, please check out their work too!

December 23-24th 2023


Location: 1-2-12 Asakusa, Taito, Tokyo Near exit 1 of Asakusa Station
